Global Supply Chain Council (GSCC)
Asia's Leading Professional Organization

Sponsored Post

Promote Your Article or Case Study

Get your brand inside GSCC editorial content

A sponsored post is an article which is paid for by an advertiser. We only accept Sponsor Posts from companies whose services or solutions we think our readers will find valuable and/or interesting.

Sponsored posts are clearly designated as such, so that readers will be able to determine which posts contain opinions of advertisers. The idea behind a sponsored post is to give the sponsor exposure for its services, solutions or expertise. Sponsored posts should not be used to gain link juice. We don’t want our site to be a place for SEO farmers.

We guarantee that a sponsored post will remain highly visible for 1 month. In reality, the post will probably remain permanently, as we don’t prune old posts on our site. Please also note that we limit the number of sponsored posts per month to just 4 (more than 10 articles are published each month).

At times, we may edit a sponsored post for grammar, and then get clearance from the sponsor before running the sponsored post. If we determine that the companies we describe in these posts do not meet this criteria, we will not continue to run Sponsor Posts about them.

The contents of a sponsored post, including the opinions expressed therein, are those of the advertiser, and not of GSCC, Chain Media or its writers.


Q: Who writes the post?
A: The draft of the Sponsored Post is written by the advertiser and edited by our team - to keep with the writing style of our sites. All Sponsored Posts are identified as such in the title.

Q: Is the post featured on the homepage for a certain amount of time?
A: It depends on how much content the individual site publishes. Depending of the type of post, it might be in the category section for a week, while others might be on the homepage for a few days.

Q: Are there companies that you don’t accept Sponsored Posts from?
A: We look for advertisers that are relevant and interesting to our readers, so if we feel an advertiser isn’t a good fit for a specific site, then we will either suggest a different advertising option or won’t accept it.

Q: Will you promote my post on social media?
A: Yes, your Sponsored Post will be promoted via Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsAp, just like the rest of the writer’s posts, view the different channels here and the banner used for promotion.

Q: How many page views will my article get?
A: The amount of page views is dependent on both the individual site’s traffic and the type of post. For example, a Sponsored Post that is simply a description of your company would not get as much traffic. Please keep in mind what is relevant and interesting to our readers when considering a Sponsored Post.



US$ 1,900 for each post/article
US$ 1,500 for GSCC Members

What do you receive for this price:

- Each post will be clearly labeled “Sponsored” at the end of the title
- "This post is brought to you by ..." will also be added at the beginning of the article
- Up to three links can be included: one link in the introduction for your company’s name (ie “This post is brought to you by …”) and then up to two more links in the content of the article.
- The post will also be published on our SupplyChains Magazine and also added to our newsletter The Chain.
- Post will be posted on GSCC’s Linkedin group (28,000+ members) and other LinkedIn groups that GSCC manages in India, Vietnam and Indonesia.
- A title and image banner is posted 10 times on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp to 150,000 followers in Asia, see details

Banner for social media
