If you have not signed-up yet on Chain-NET, please make sure to sign-up on http://chain.net/ - our new online community platform!
Sign-Up Instructions (important):
We have a strict selection/vetting process on our platform and only keep members with completed profiles. When signing-up, please make sure to complete your:
- Profile photo: can be the same as LinkedIn, but no landscape, cat/dog or company logo please!
- Job title, company you are currently working for, and country where you are located
- Tell us about yourself: a short bio, you can copy some from your LinkedIn profile but keep it short (max length: 250 characters)
- What are you great at (and where can you help other people)?
- Social links: your website, Twitter and LinkedIn being the most important.
Also, make sure to read your new members checklist here.
As soon as it's done, message us at member@gscc.co to let us know that you have complete your profile, we will then invite you to the members’ section.
Let me know if you have other questions and again welcome on board!
The GSCC Team